The Western Tour
Wisconsin to Nevada
California (Alcatraz)
California to Oregon
Oregon and Washington
Idaho to Montana
Montana (Glacier Park)
Dakota to Wisconsin
The Pacific Coast Tour
San Francisco Giants Game
The Giant Redwood Trees
The Pacific Ocean
Sequoia Trees and Kings Canyon
Yosemite Park and Hetch Hetchy
Alcatraz Island
Haight Ashbury
Golden Gate Bridge
The National Parks Tour
Rocky Mountains
Pikes Peak
7 Falls
Royal Gorge Bridge
Black Canyon - Upper
Black Canyon - Lower
Road to Durango
Durango - Silverton
Wolf Creek Pass
Mesa Verde
Monument Valley
Grand Canyon 1
Grand Canyon 2
Lake Powell
Zion Park
Bryce Canyon
Arches Park
Canyonland Park
Road to Jackson Hole
Yellowstone Park 1
Yellowstone Park 2
Yellowstone Park 3
Bear Tooth Pass
Devils Tower
Mt. Rushmore
Lake Superior
Lake Michigan
All Pages